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Sunday, February 9, 2025 10:54
Editor’s Note Happy New Year 2024: New Year Resolutions for Students, Children & Youth Together is Better Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Revolution, Students & Studies: Harnessing AI, Social Media & E-Learning Population, Environment, Water: Tackling the Triple Threat Muslims and their Festive Delights “Adventures of the Crescent” : The Wonders of Islamic World Hazrat Umar (RA) A Timeless Role Model Childhood under Siege in IIOJK Broken Crayons and Shattered Dreams Rising from the Ashes Kashmir’s History in Brief Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan A Kashmiri Mother’s Letter to Her Soncc Kashmir: Plight of Children Beginning A New Best Way to Prepare for Exams Almonds: The Nutrient-Rich Treasure Protecting the Environment Save Water, Save Life Read to Lead Pain of Palestinian Kids A Child’s Cry The Magic in New Beginnings! New Year, New You Welcome 2025! New Year’s Resolution A Yearof Hope Helping the Poor in Winter My Role Model: My Grandad The Famous Banu Musa Brothers ‘Magic School AI’ Friendships Online The Magical Paintbrush How to Save Humans and Animals Turning Space into Trash Through the Haze TILAWAT AND NAMAZ -- A GUIDING FORCE Shining Stars Hope -- The Two Sides of Light The Long Unnoticed Kashmir Struggle: The Plight of Kashmiri Children and Youth The Story of Kashmir Day Brave Girls of Kashmir Saving Kids from Smog:Understanding the Hazards of Pollution Rose Plant’s Regret Sabit bin Qura -- The Brilliant Mind of Golden Age Arfa Karim -- A Force of Nature The Amazing Science of Prisms FACTS ABOUT THE SPEED OF LIGHT The Habit of Judging Others Walking Grapes Blood of the Brave Shining Stars

Amber Hira

The writer is a passionate writer and dedicated educator with a deep commitment to both the literary and academics. [email protected]


Hilal Kids English

The Legend of the Magic River

September 2024

Once upon a time, in a quiet village nestled by a flowing river, lived a young girl named Sara. Sara was known for her kindness and her love for nature. She spent her days playing by the river, listening to its soothing sounds, and helping her mother in their small garden. The villagers often spoke of a legend that the river had magical powers, though no one had ever seen its magic at work.
One year, a terrible drought struck the village. The fields dried up, crops withered, and the river’s water level dropped dangerously low. The villagers were worried and scared. Without the river, their crops would fail, and they would have no water to drink. Sara saw the fear in everyone’s eyes and decided that she had to do something to save her village.
One evening, as the sun was setting, Sara went to the riverbank and whispered a heartfelt plea to the river. “Please, magic river, help us. We need your water to survive.” To her surprise, the river began to sparkle with a soft, golden light. A gentle voice emerged from the water, saying: “Sara, your pure heart has awakened the river's magic. To save your village, you must find the Silver Stone hidden deep within the forest. Place it in the river, and it will bring water back to your village.”
Without hesitation, Sara set off into the forest. The journey was tough; she had to climb steep hills and navigate through thick underbrush. As night fell, she finally found the Silver Stone, glowing faintly under the moonlight. With all her strength, Sara carried the stone back to the river. As she placed the Silver Stone into the river, a brilliant light erupted, and the water began to rise. The river flowed stronger and fuller than ever before, spreading life-giving water throughout the village and fields. The villagers rejoiced; their fears washed away with the rising river.
Sara was hailed as a hero, and the story of her bravery spread far and wide. The village thrived once more, thanks to the magic river and the courageous heart of a young girl. And so, they all lived happily ever after, always remembering to respect and cherish the magic of nature.


Amber Hira

The writer is a passionate writer and dedicated educator with a deep commitment to both the literary and academics. [email protected]
