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Wednesday, February 12, 2025 21:58
Editor’s Note Happy New Year 2024: New Year Resolutions for Students, Children & Youth Together is Better Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Revolution, Students & Studies: Harnessing AI, Social Media & E-Learning Population, Environment, Water: Tackling the Triple Threat Muslims and their Festive Delights “Adventures of the Crescent” : The Wonders of Islamic World Hazrat Umar (RA) A Timeless Role Model Childhood under Siege in IIOJK Broken Crayons and Shattered Dreams Rising from the Ashes Kashmir’s History in Brief Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan A Kashmiri Mother’s Letter to Her Soncc Kashmir: Plight of Children Beginning A New Best Way to Prepare for Exams Almonds: The Nutrient-Rich Treasure Protecting the Environment Save Water, Save Life Read to Lead Pain of Palestinian Kids A Child’s Cry The Magic in New Beginnings! New Year, New You Welcome 2025! New Year’s Resolution A Yearof Hope Helping the Poor in Winter My Role Model: My Grandad The Famous Banu Musa Brothers ‘Magic School AI’ Friendships Online The Magical Paintbrush How to Save Humans and Animals Turning Space into Trash Through the Haze TILAWAT AND NAMAZ -- A GUIDING FORCE Shining Stars Hope -- The Two Sides of Light The Long Unnoticed Kashmir Struggle: The Plight of Kashmiri Children and Youth The Story of Kashmir Day Brave Girls of Kashmir Saving Kids from Smog:Understanding the Hazards of Pollution Rose Plant’s Regret Sabit bin Qura -- The Brilliant Mind of Golden Age Arfa Karim -- A Force of Nature The Amazing Science of Prisms FACTS ABOUT THE SPEED OF LIGHT The Habit of Judging Others Walking Grapes Blood of the Brave Shining Stars

Hilal Kids English

The Power of Knowledge and Wisdom

May 2024

Dear Kids! Assalam-o-Alaikum,
The Latin language phrases “scientia est potentia” meaning “knowledge is power”, and “sapientia est potentia” meaning “wisdom is power” are commonly quoted maxims, which are used in English and French. This expression as a matter of fact is shared by other languages of the world. The Persian poet Firdausi’s saying that “mighty is the one who has knowledge” is actually the continuance of Muslim era’s legacy that combines both ‘knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’ singly in Hazrat Ali (RA), the Fourth Caliph of Islam. He was not only the bravest warrior with unmatched might, but also had the power of knowledge as his inner strength. He was raised, taught and trained by the Prophet (PBUH) himself, who at the very outset had declared that “the acquisition of knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim, whether male or female”; and “seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”. The Prophet (PBUH) called himself “the City of Knowledge”, and attributed Hazrat Ali (RA) to being “the gateway” to that “city”. 
    This month’s edition of Hilal for Kids is reverently dedicated to Hazrat Ali (RA), whose legacy continues to serve as a beacon of light and guidance for millions around the world.
“Know, then speak” is his simple and crisp advice that elaborates how “knowledge belongs to whoever knows” and “speak only when your words are more beautiful than the silence”. Both ‘wisdom’ and ‘power’ are the outcome of knowledge, that we the young minds need to gain and acquire, in accordance with the teachings of Prophet (PBUH) and the legacy of Hazrat Ali (RA). Through his wisdom, courage, and unwavering commitment to justice, Hazrat Ali (RA) reminds us of not only courage and integrity, wisdom and compassion but also stresses upon the importance of education, saying “No wealth is like education and no poverty like ignorance.” The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.” How true!
Dear Friends!
Isn’t it an inspiration for us all? Especially the generation of yours which is called the “Digital Natives” or simply “Alphas” who have to play a very crucial role in shaping the future of our nation. In this month’s articles, Hilal for Kids has delved in length on the “significance of scientific and digital knowledge” that is the call of time for you the young minds. You have been born into a world of rapid technological advancement. You have to equip yourself with the digital knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of this modern era. From fostering a curiosity for scientific inquiry to embracing innovation and critical thinking, our journey towards acquiring knowledge in the footsteps of Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (RA), is essential for you, and the coming generations, to make this world a peaceful and progressive launch-pad, and the earth planet worth living. By the way, amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, we are reminded of our responsibility to safeguard the environment and protect the magnificent wildlife that inhabits our planet. Our articles, coming next, on environmental issues and wildlife protection, shed light on pressing concerns such as climate change, deforestation, and habitat loss. Through education and collective action, we can work towards creating a sustainable future where both humans and nature thrive in harmony. 
    Thank you for your encouraging feedbacks. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our readers and writers for helping in bringing this magazine to life. May the stories and insights shared within these pages inspire you to dream big, think boldly, and make a difference in the world. 
Happy reading! 
